Returns & Refunds

Returns & Refunds

Last updated: 07/11/2022

What’s your return policy?

Our items are made to order, due to that we don’t accept returns, but if there’s something wrong with your order, please let us know by contacting us at Please note that we are unable to accept returns, exchanges, or offer refunds/replacements based on subjective tastes or preferences, such as (but not limited to) color preferences, perceived quality, or buyer’s remorse. Gift Cards/eGift Cards can not be returned, canceled, or refunded.

Do you offer refunds?

Refunds are only offered to customers that receive the wrong items or damaged items. If any of these apply, please contact us at with photos of wrong/damaged items and packaging, and we’ll sort that out for you. If a package is returned to us undeliverable or without a proper return authorization, the original shipping fee we paid to send the item will be deducted from the refund given to you. If you paid for shipping, a full refund will be issued.

What if I need to cancel or change my order?

If you have made a mistake during the ordering process or you wish to change or cancel an order, please contact us within 30 minutes from placing the order. We strive to ship our items as quickly as possible, as soon as an order comes through we start working on it, this is why we only have a 30-minute window to make any changes or cancellations. Please note that this is a strict window of time, changes or cancellations may not be possible if more than 30 minutes have passed from when you placed the order. Cancellations are not accepted for custom items.